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PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags developement & symfony

February 2010

ServerGrove Blog » Blog Archive » Enhanced Access Control for Symfony Front Controllers

A simple way to extend the per-host access limitation to Symfony developement controllers.

January 2010

Jouer avec symfony 2 sur github

by 1 other
Un tutoriel simple pour attaquer Symfony 2...

December 2009

Advanced Routing (part 2) | More with symfony 1.3 & 1.4 | symfony | Web PHP Framework

A complete tutorial about route collections, which explains in detail what it is and how to use it.

October 2009

Integrating symfony and Zend Framework (PHPBarcelona 2009)

The talk of Stefan about Integrating symfony and Zend Framework, during the PHPBarcelona Conference 2009

NetBeans for PHP : weblog

The work for supporting for Symfony PHP Framework in NetBeans 6.8 is finished. This should make Netbeans the default editor for PHP developers, far before Eclipse. As for me, I'll stick to Textmate :)

April 2009

Symfony-Zone » HelloWorld example with Flex and Symfony

by 3 others
A simple guide on how to use Flex from within Symfony. The tutorial helps creating a simple client with a text field and a button, and shows all the mechanism involved in the communication to the Symfony backend server.

February 2009

Issue 145913 - Netbeans 7.0 to support Symfony

"The news is that the Symfony support will be part of NetBeans 7.0. We are going to start work on it very soon. I hope that it will be a part of continual build this year and community can comment the support and work with us to finish it in the best possible quality and usability."

May 2008

Livre blanc : frameworks php pour l’entreprise

by 2 others
Forte d’une expérience éprouvée des frameworks PHP majeurs, Clever Age publie aujourd’hui un livre blanc au sujet des frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise.